A gathering of some 500 lame "zombies" in Pioneer Courthouse Square who stood around taking photos of each other instead of grunting and moaning with outstretched arms, what zombies are supposed to do: The view from happy hour at Portland City Grill: Out back before watching some improv:
They can be found in Rankin County next to the Piggly Wiggly. When I called them friendly, there were a few 'guffaws' from a couple of customers, I think mainly about the snarky one coming in and out of the back who wouldn't let me take her picture. I like 'em all anyway, even the camera-shy, snarky one.
While taking this photo, a construction worker was across the street talking unabashedly about being stuck needing to "take a f*ckin' sh*t today" and not having any place to go.
This spray-painted sign at the light-rail stop at Lloyd Center has been here since the middle of summer. Of course, I can't help wondering how many deadbeat dads got called as a result.